Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Give a little

I have always felt the blogging community was a very much help our self's and help each other network.

Bill sticker a decent chap pointed out to me today that Merys is a hell of a bind, As Bill put it

" Her funding has been pulled and if she can't find a grand within the next two weeks she is going to get kicked out of medical school. One less Doctor in this world, at least to me, is a bad thing. Who will patch you up after a bad one?"

I Agree. I have have made a donation to Merys .. why not sent on a few yourself.
She has tried all the avenues open to students for funding and is at her wits end, with so much going on in the world whats a few pounds to you.. why not donate the price of a round of beers to Merys.

Donate here

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Investigations - 183 | Crimes Solved- 85 | No Crime - 47
% Detection rate - 46.4 % (Counting year April 08 )

Investigations - 129 | Crimes Solved- 53 | No Crime - 36
% Detection rate - 49.3 % (Counting year April 07 )