Thursday, February 09, 2006

Ron Greenwood 1921-2006

I'm forever blowing bubbles,

Pretty bubbles in the air,

They fly so high,

Nearly reach the sky,

And like my dreams,

They fade and die,

Fortunes always hiding,

I looked everywhere,

I'm forever blowing bubbles,

Pretty bubbles in the air.

The Hammers ™

Whois - Whodunnit ?

Interesting this incident, It merits a watchful eye over the coming months.
Click here

Monday, February 06, 2006

Lost paperwork

I like to think I am professional and responsible, someone who accepts their workload and acts in a diligent and efficient manner.

That means I have all my casefile work on the old harddrive at work and make copies of statements that I keep to hand on file in case of hiccups as I don't trust other buggers not to fudge it.

Well bully for me.

It seems these last few days the CPS however have made repeated attempts to land me in the proverbial shitter
So far THIS month and bear in mind its the 6th !

They have :

1) Lost an entire set of case papers
A) I found them in the cps office under a coffee maker ruined.

2) Lost a set of MG 6 series and then attempted to say they didn't get it.
B) They were sent and a CPU supervisor has signed them - had to print them off again

3) Issued me a court warning when I am due to be out of the country (Ignored duty system)
C) 728 Sent to C/Insp and court date moved.

4) Refused to give ADVICE on a MONDAY because and I quote... "Mondays are for custody cases'" and there was " NO ONE IN CUSTODY "
d) I have submitted a complaint.....

I don't know about you, but I have wasted a whole days worth with this.
The CPS have a mission statement which you can read here

Well now lets see Mondays are for custody cases.... Surely Monday is to bloody late and if they are from over night, we will have contacted CPS direct. Who btw I have NO problem with at all, just email or fax the whole lot over and about an hour later you get an email back with an MG3 !

As for loosing paperwork.. That gets my goat. I really feel embarrassed to have a witness sign a second copy of their statement because some faceless paper monkey has lost it and sent me an email saying they never got it. Something VERY wrong there.

So my advice to any of you dealing with heavy case loads is two fold

Save every casefile - file on your computer in a case folder
Make Copies of ALL statements and exhibits and keep them.

Its simple as A.B.C.

Accept nothing
Believe no one
Confirm everything
Investigations - 183 | Crimes Solved- 85 | No Crime - 47
% Detection rate - 46.4 % (Counting year April 08 )

Investigations - 129 | Crimes Solved- 53 | No Crime - 36
% Detection rate - 49.3 % (Counting year April 07 )