Saturday, December 10, 2005

SOCPA 2005

You what now...
When I joined up two years ago and started my training in Hendon I remember a tutor telling me not to worry to much about studying and getting stuff learned off by heart in regard to police powers and only worry about the actual law stuff (you know what is robbery , theft etc) He said they change like the wind.

Well hello the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 and in particular good bye to section 25 of pace and greetings to Code G ! I have been reading these new changes and at first glance it all seems good.

I though I would do this quick first post now - I will have a longer debate about these changes to powers of arrest and search.

What I will say is these are "supposed" to come into effect from midnight of the 31st of December 2005.

So where is the training ? Hello >


Anonymous said...

The issue being the distinct lack of Powers of Entry in relation to summary only offences, ie Disqualified Driving and TWOC.

thinblueline said...

twoc ---- use theft of motor vehicle.
disqual driving - check again RTA retains powers of entry

Powers of entry are far far greater now

Anonymous said...

the new changes are excellent the whole issue if arrest is much easier when cant you justify an arrest to necesitate the investigation of the crime.On the borough i work 90% of people give you false details or have no way of verifying them. I hope the number of cells can keep up with the demand........

thinblueline said...

Ah, cell space will allways be the though in the back of your mind... will it really be nessisary to transport that criminal damage arrest all the way to another borough/station.. why not summons.... street bail and those other square pegs round holes that we do use.

Yes of course we will be tied if the scrote starts lying to us.. however what when we know the details...

domestic criminal damage anyone ?
Interfere with witness, damage destroy evidence .... oh my. I hope the CSU are well manned

Anonymous said...

Lack of training!? On my borough we've had a whole 20 minute talk, and a click through centrex web lesson with a cheap and nasty certificate to prove it. What more do you want?
It will be interesting to see what support the MET will offer the first officer up on criminal damage charges after he kicks in a door thinking he/she has the power under sect 17 pace!

thinblueline said...

Ah yes we have had since the traning "AFTER" it has been brought in to force.

Not way back on the 10th of december when I made this post.

No doubt the ways and means act will be liberly used to "address" the door kicking...

Protect life and limb perhaps :)

Anonymous said...

Having just completed my training as a police officer. Its all gone out the window for me. Now we have to wait another month or so for our offical training in SOCPA.

Arrrrrr !!!

PC Disillusioned said...

Hasn't section 17 been retained? Or do I need to resit my 20 minute training session?

Investigations - 183 | Crimes Solved- 85 | No Crime - 47
% Detection rate - 46.4 % (Counting year April 08 )

Investigations - 129 | Crimes Solved- 53 | No Crime - 36
% Detection rate - 49.3 % (Counting year April 07 )